shut-off feature.


What Else Can a DSP Do?

Most signal processors about the marketplace include the chance to retail outlet various program configurations. In order for you a tune for the single-seat listening placement, then yet another for if you have buddies within your automobile, the tuning technician can build those people. If you use a convertible, chances are you'll want a individual audio procedure configuration for use in the event the major is down.

Quite a few processors have a number of inputs, and several include things like Bluetooth streaming solutions being an more audio resource. In the event you have a very factory-installed source unit but want the choice to stream tunes from the media player or smartphone, your installer can configure the program with numerous presets, each individual which has a dedicated sign resource.


Are Digital Sign Processors Expensive?

Order now our dsp digital signal processo devices. Choose from a wide range of products on ur website and find the one that perfectly matches your expectations!

Very well, sure and no. High quality processors start off all around $400 plus installation and need a minimum of an hour to configure in many vehicles. Should you have a very sophisticated multi-channel procedure, you might require a DSP with far more input and output channels and extra time for you to configure the method with your automobile.

With regards to enhancements to an audio technique, investing $600 to $1,000 right into a processor will produce performance gains that much exceed an analogous investment in improved speakers, amplifiers or subwoofers. In case you now use a wonderful audio method, adding a DSP and owning the process tuned by an expert will enhance just about every element of its general performance.

Related links:

What on earth is A Demand-Side System (DSP)?

How does a DSP Operate?

A Beginner's Manual to Electronic Sign Processing (DSP)

What's Electronic Signal Processing (DSP)? And Exactly what does It Mean For Songs?

Do I need a Digital Signal Processor?


Posted by ocks at 11:15Comments(0)


Advantage of Digital Around Analog Signal Processing

one. The main advantage of electronic indicators above analog signals is the fact the precise sign level with the digital sign isn't vital. This suggests that electronic signals are fairly immune on the imperfections of serious electronic programs which tend to spoil analog alerts. As a final result, digital CD's are considerably more robust than analog LP's.

2. Codes are often made use of in the transmission of info. These codes may be used either as a signifies of keeping the knowledge secret or as a signifies of breaking the information into pieces that are manageable by the technology used to transmit the code, e.g. The letters and quantities being sent by a Morse code are coded into dots and dashes.

3. Digital alerts can convey data with greater noise immunity, because just about every data component (byte etc) is determined by the presence or absence of a information little bit (0 or one particular). Analog signals vary continuously and their value is affected by all levels of noise.

Order now our dsp digital signal processing (processor) devices. Choose from a wide range of products on ur website and find the one that perfectly matches your expectations!

4. Electronic indicators is often processed by digital circuit parts, which are cheap and easily produced in many factors with a single chip. Again, noise propagation with the demodulation program is minimized with electronic techniques.

5. Electronic indicators do not get corrupted by noise etc. You are sending a series of figures that represent the sign of interest (i.e. audio, video clip etc.)

6. Electronic alerts typically use considerably less bandwidth. This is just an additional way to say you can cram a lot more info (audio, online video) to the very same space.

7. Electronic is often encrypted so that only the intended receiver can decode it (like pay per view online video, secure telephone etc.)

8. Enables transmission of indicators about a long distance.

9. Transmission is at a higher rate and using a wider broadband width.

10. It is more secure.

11. It is also less complicated to translate human audio and movie alerts and other messages into machine language.

12. There is minimal electromagnetic interference in electronic technology.

13. It enables multi-directional transmission simultaneously.

Related links:

An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing

The Value of Digital Signal Processing

The Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing

Basic Elements of Digital Signal Processing Method

Discrepancies between Analog Signal and Electronic Signal


Posted by ocks at 03:36Comments(0)



在過去10年出現的許多技術中,雲計算由於其快速發展,從技術的一個細分領域來看,已經成為全球的熱點。 雲計算本身就引起了許多混亂、爭論和爭論,混合多種雲計算的“混合”雲計算也帶來了更多的不確定性。 今天,我們將探索著名的混合雲。
















組織可以根據所需的成本、效率、安全性、帶寬等選擇公共雲服務提供商。 在混合雲中,組織還可以決定在哪裏存儲敏感數據,是在私有雲中擴展實例,還是通過公共基礎設施跨區域存儲.. 此外,混合模型在多個站點上存儲數據和配置的能力為備份、災難恢複和高可用性提供了支持。




在評估企業是否在雲中放置一個應用系統程序和數據時,安全性和隱私是至關重要的。IT 部門人員必須通過驗證自己所有的合規性需求和部署策略。公共雲的安全性正在不斷改善,並將中國繼續發展成熟。而且,在混合雲模型中,組織學生可以將高度敏感的信息技術存儲在私有雲中,並將其與存儲在公共雲中的不敏感分析數據資源集成在一起。


雲定價通常基於所需基礎設施和服務級別協議(SLA)的要求。 在混合雲模型中,用戶可以比較計算資源(CPU/內存)、帶寬、存儲、網絡、公共IP地址等的粒度。 價格要么是固定的,要么是可變的,可以每月、每小時甚至每秒測量。 因此,用戶總是可以在公共雲提供商中購買最佳價格,並相應地部署實例。











企業最優的雲戰略 - 一個混合雲


Posted by ocks at 13:44Comments(0)




黃瓜含有大量的水,許多人被認為是美麗的水,但實際上,直接使用它的臉是不可取的。 不建議秋冬使用果凍面膜..






很多人敷保濕美容面膜,半個小時都舍不得洗掉,怕浪費營養.. 然而,敷貼時間太長,皮膚不僅無法吸收面膜中的營養,反而會使面膜上的營養物質蒸發,帶走皮膚原有的水分。 塗抹水面膜要遵循產品推薦使用時間,一般10-15分鍾為宜,塗抹後立即塗抹乳液鎖水.. 面膜敷在臉上太久也會讓皮膚無法呼吸,導致痘痘..




小心皮膚越補越幹! 在換季保養的時後,建議我們可以進行多多企業使用面膜,可以同時根據學生自己國家想要得到解決的肌膚問題去挑選適合的面膜讓肌膚保濕更完整!趕快和我一起來就是學習美容知識吧!








Posted by ocks at 17:44Comments(0)







在許多人的印象中,咖啡粉容易使用,易於沖泡。 將濾紙掛在咖啡杯邊緣,然後將咖啡粉倒入濾紙中,注入約92度熱水。 這不僅節省了磨豆的時間,而且便於測量,准備設備,甚至最後清理。




咖啡豆中的二氧化碳負責防止咖啡豆周圍環境的惡化,保證環境中的水分和氧氣。 在研磨咖啡豆的過程中,大部分的二氧化碳被排放出來。 同時,它帶走了咖啡的一些香氣。 所以,咖啡粉的香氣不如咖啡豆濃鬱..



咖啡豆比較好吃,但是磨粉過程需要一些時間;咖啡粉比較方便,但是香味流失很快.. 難怪很多專業咖啡店不推薦磨粉服務..




咖啡會損害大腦? 喝太多會傷心髒嗎? 咖啡的真相就在這裏!!



越南咖啡種植環境如何?? 越南咖啡的好產品有哪些??


Posted by ocks at 17:00Comments(0)






近年團隊訓練興起,顛覆傳統企業活動拘謹的既定概念,不少公司都傾向把team building 活動抽離公司地方,以玩樂形式強化團隊合作。Bar Pacific以相宜價錢提供較放鬆又不失正經的場地,為你提供嶄新公司Team Building。而且地利位置方便,超過70間分店遍佈全港多區為您服務。














面對這樣的沖突,西鎮綠色農民推出了一個特殊的現實生活CS項目,以模擬一個快速變化的戰場。 每個人都需要考慮一個問題:如何在個人表演和團隊勝利之間找到一個良好的平衡,這既可以展示個人的力量,又可以帶領團隊走向勝利?










團隊建設無活動?? 五個有趣的遊戲,幫助你成為團隊建設



Posted by ocks at 17:40Comments(0)







AQ消毒防疫噴霧 無添加化學成分,所以長期使用都唔怕會有副作用,對身體無刺激性,咁就更放心俾屋企人用,確保100%安全。



滅菌是從物體中除去或殺滅病原微生物.. 通過消毒,可以去除物品上的一些病原微生物,而不是所有的病原微生物。 我們常用的消毒劑一般分為三種:低效消毒劑,中效消毒劑和高效消毒劑..




滅菌是殺滅或清除物品上的所有微生物,保證物品處於無菌狀態.. 主要有兩種滅菌方法:物理滅菌法和化學滅菌法..



眾所周知,新的冠狀病毒害怕熱和紫外線;把它放在56攝氏度的環境中,活30分鍾。 此外,新的冠狀病毒還害怕含氯消毒劑、乙醚、過氧乙酸、75%乙醇、氯仿等脂溶性消毒劑。






AQ消毒防疫噴霧 無添加化學成分,所以長期使用都唔怕會有副作用,對身體無刺激性,咁就更放心俾屋企人用,確保100%安全。





除了一般的紫外線消毒燈,我們還可以選擇LED紫外線。 LED紫外線可以產生260nm-280nm的深度紫外線,具有超強的殺菌能力,並能瞬間裂解細菌DNA/RNA,快速殺滅細菌。
























Posted by ocks at 10:37Comments(0)


















這種咖啡更容易煮。在杯中加入油炸的熱咖啡,在咖啡中加入od k葡萄酒、橙汁醬和奶油,然後再煮一杯俄羅斯咖啡。我們通常喝的俄羅斯茶是由od k葡萄酒、橙醬、咖啡和奶油制成的,所以我們可以試著做。









Posted by ocks at 04:30Comments(0)





但是為什么扁桃體在生命中來來去去呢? 坦率地說,這主要是因為我們自己的身體不能勝任,所以我們會給杏仁核複合體機會。 從中醫學的角度來看,扁桃體發炎的部位通常在足太陰脾經、足陽明脾經、足陽明胃經的交彙處,因此可以看出,扁桃體發炎的真正原因,實際上是因為我們的“脾胃”。

扁桃腺切除手術是慢性及多發性扁桃腺發炎 治療方法之一,嚴重腫脹扁桃腺有機會阻礙吞嚥及呼吸,若扁桃腺持續發炎,患者有需要盡早求醫檢查,並諮詢醫生專業意見了解最適合治療方法。










Posted by ocks at 04:46Comments(0)







近年很多浴室 潔具品牌出現,但就有更多朋友問到德國牌子水龍頭是否更好用


















Posted by ocks at 13:53Comments(0)


Shouldn't you be a friend?

How can you be tactful enough not to appear off the subject and like to be tactful? Just occasionally you hear someone whispering, talking about someone else? Don't you like the person who is just for himself? Is it really for irony, if you don't think about it? That person just laughs and doesn't have much expression? .

Shouldn't you be a friend? How do you start to guess each other and think you're expanding yourself? Are you really good? Why do people say you don't have that talent? Don't be complacent. Your cold words and other people are also accountants. The magnificence in front of you may be temporary. How many scenes overlay is the story, you If you are not so good, do not satire others. Who knows who has much talent.

Is that person going to laugh at you like you do? He won't! He's the kind of person who laughs smoothly, pretends to be okay, and then takes himself seriously, does what he wants to do, and does the best he can to make the satirists see who's better.

Don't be extravagant, you didn't pay that much, how can you get the corresponding return, you should be modest efforts, rather than talking about other people, do not have good intentions, ugly people, that is what you want to be? perhaps you want to be the people! Your performance proves a lot.

Wouldn't it be nice to be simple? Say something simple, be a simple person, don't laugh at others, don't invert black and white. Don't think that you are very good, excellent is also need to prove, others also see clearly, why perfunctory oneself, but also hurt others, the final exchange or failure.

If you want to become a person, you should try your best, not be jealous of others, and ugly yourself. put down all the bad things, get the best! Otherwise, will only fail more and more, want to live freely, you have to have a clear conscience, respect yourself, but also respect others. Bad behavior will only make you uglier and uglier, and eventually ugly to sad, but also unable to return to the envy of simple.


Posted by ocks at 16:13Comments(0)


Do you want to decorate or buy furniture first?

Do you want to decorate or buy furniture first?
First decoration
Traditional home decoration is to buy furniture after renovation. After the owner gets the house, he first asks the workers to carry on the water and electricity transformation, brushes the wall to lay the brick, after the project has finished, then goes to select the furniture. After the completion of the infrastructure works, the owners have plenty of time to shop for furniture.e specialise in manufacturing, designing, selling and supplying customized solution for all of your business needs.
Disadvantage: Ignored the furniture and the decoration "function, vision, material" these three big essential factors relations. If you do not know the specific size of furniture decoration, the result is often like buying clothes do not ask the same size, not too big or too small, is the color, style does not match. Such functions may be, but they are difficult to satisfy in vision. That's why some people can't find a suitable piece of furniture after decorating their houses all over the city.- Here comes a hot summer! Fancy cooling down your “hot kitchen”? Panasonic 2-burners Induction Cooker KY-A227D could get this job done! Wit
Prepurchase furniture
1. To ensure the effect of decoration, the owner first determines the style of the furniture, and then asks the designer to design the decoration style in accordance with the furniture he buys, so as to ensure the harmony and unity between the furniture and the overall decoration style.
2. After choosing the furniture, the basic pattern of the bedroom has been roughly determined. Most of the decoration companies need to do is basic engineering, which can avoid many unnecessary additions.The Analysis Reporttool provided by helps to understand your online presence compared with your competitors. Simply provide your URL to get to know your position and develop the best marketing tools.
3, it is conducive to saving time and expenses.
Disadvantages: excessive limitations, need to take certain risks. Space is static, furniture is dynamic, according to theory should be allowed to change furniture with space, not space with furniture.
Decoration in the overall planning and decoration, do not necessarily buy furniture, you can look at the furniture, first go to the market to understand the size of furniture, color, style and so on. Early stage design should give full consideration to later decoration. If there is overall planning and co-ordination, the difference between buying furniture or not is not very big.  

Posted by ocks at 21:02Comments(0)


One student suggested they were trying to

Canning said what drives student mobility is getting students to know students not like them, and if she could give students one gift when they got to university, it would be social belonging. “It’s the richest gift we can give to students and it basically opens up a whole world of student success, both academically and in terms of happiness.”

I knew they were the most talented young people I’d ever seen in my life and I could see them shrinking

Two years ago, she became worried that while her university was becoming increasingly successful at bringing in students from broader backgrounds they needed more support after they arrived. “I knew they were the most talented young people I’d ever seen in my life and I could see them shrinking,” Canning said.

As a result she decided to be more proactive about intervening to create a strong cohort and ensure that students from all backgrounds took up the opportunities on offer. This has included a project giving students on bursaries a branded item in their first week to help them bond to their institution, and putting on social activities. create a Bullingdon Club for bursary kids, and Canning agreed. “It’s really about trying to generate that social capital.”

タグ :健康

Posted by ocks at 19:12Comments(0)健康


wouldn’t women get as close

There’ssomething(are) really weird about us humans; we’re not only really good at endurance running,we’re really good at it for a remarkably long time. We’re a machine built to run—and the machinenever wears out.”

You don’t stop running because you get old, the Dipsea Demon always said. You get old becauseyou stop running….

“And it’s true for both genders,” Dr. Bramble continued. “Women show the same results as men.”

That makes sense, since a curious transformation came over us when we came down from thetrees: the more we became human, the more we became equal. Men and women are basically thesame size, at least compared with other primates: male gorillas and orangutans weigh twice asmuch as their better halves; male chimps are a good one-third bigger than females; but between theaverage human him and the average human her, the difference in bulk is only a slim 15 percent. Aswe evolved, we shucked our beef and became more sinuous, more cooperative … essentially, morefemale.

“Women have really been underrated,” Dr. Bramble said. “They’ve been evolutionarilyshortchanged. We perpetuate this notion that they were sitting around waiting for the men to comeback with food, but there’s no reason why women couldn’t be part of the hunting party.” Actually,it would be weird if women weren’t hunting alongside the men, since they’re the ones who reallyneed the meat. The human body benefits most from meat protein during infancy, pregnancy, andlactation, so why to the beef supply as possible? Hunter-gatherernomads shift their camps by the movements of the herds, so instead of hauling food back to camp,it made more sense for the whole camp to go to the food.

And caring for kids on the fly isn’t that hard, as American ultra-runner Kami Semickdemonstrates; she likes to run mountain trails around Bend, Oregon, with her four-year-olddaughter, Baronie, riding along in a backpack. Newborns? No problem: at the 2007 Hardrock 100,Emily Baer beat ninety other men and women to finish eighth overall while stopping at every aidstation to breast-feed her infant son. The Bushmen are no longer nomadic, but the equal-partnersin-hunting tradition still exists among the Mbuti Pygmies of the Congo, where husbands and wiveswith nets pursue the giant forest hog side by side. “Since they are perfectly capable of giving birthto a child while on the hunt, then rejoining the hunt the same morning,” notes anthropologist ColinTurnbull, who’s spent years among the Mbuti, “mothers see no reason why they should notcontinue to participate fully”

Posted by ocks at 15:50Comments(0)


baking under amerciless sun

Cavalry. So did his protégé, the Apache Kid, who “moved like a ghost in the desert,” as onechronicler put it. “He followed no pattern. No one knew where he would show up next Victoria (Upper Kornhill) Nursery offers baby group programmes in hong kong. English and Chinese Staff will have interaction with students which will creat a trilingual playgroup learning environment for students. It wasunnerving to work cattle or mine a claim when every shadow, every slight noise, could be theApache Kid closing in for the kill. One worried settler said it best: ‘Usually, by the time you sawthe Apache Kid it was entirely too late.’”
Pursuing them into the maze meant running the risk of never finding a way back out again. “Tolook at this country is grand; to travel in it, is Hell,” a U.S. Cavalry captain named John Bourkewrote after barely surviving another unsuccessful pursuit of Geronimo into the Copper Canyons.
The click of a tumbling pebble would echo around crazily, getting louder and louder rather thanfainter, the sound bouncing from right, to left, to overhead. The rasp of two juniper brancheswould have an entire company of cavalrymen yanking out their pistols, their own shadowscontorting monstrously against the stone walls as they searched wildly in all directions The biggest perk of a wax vape pen or atomizer is even heating and no burning smell! It has a quartz coil and improved heating wire, offering a purer taste. Also, a wax has unique 3-in-1 design as well.
More than just echoes and jumpy imaginations made the Copper Canyons seem haunted; onetorment could transform into another so quickly, it was hard not to believe the Barrancas wereguarded by some wrathful spirit with a sadistic sense of humor. After days of, soldiers would welcome the relief of a few dark clouds. Within minutes, they’d betrapped in a surge of flood-water as powerful as a fire hose, scrambling desperately to escape upthe slippery rock walls. That’s exactly how another Apache rebel named Massai once wiped out anentire cavalry squad: “By bringing them into a shallow gorge just in time to be swept away by amountain cloudburst.”
The Barrancas were so treacherous, even a quick sip of fresh water could kill you. The Apachechief Victorio used to lead U.S. Cavalry troops on a cat-and-mouse chase deep into the canyons,then lie in wait by the only water hole. The cavalrymen must have known he’d be there, butcouldn’t help themselves. Lost and crazed by the heat, they would rather risk a quick bullet in thehead than a slow choking from a thirst-thickened tongue.
Not even the two toughest hombres in U.S. military history were any match for the Barrancas.
When Pancho Villa’s forces attacked a town in New Mexico in 1916, President Woodrow Wilsonpersonally directed both Black Jack Pershing and George Patton to haul him out of his CopperCanyon lair. Ten years later, the Jaguar was still on the loose. Even with the full might of the U.S Trouble at choosing hair care products
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Posted by ocks at 12:52Comments(0)


empty into the Skahazadhan

You stopped at Astapor to buy an army, not to start a war. Save your spears and swords for the Seven Kingdoms, my queen. Leave Meereen to the Meereenese and march west for Pentos.” “Defeated?” said Dany, bristling. “When cowards hide behind great walls, it is they who are defeated, Khaleesi,” Ko Jhogo said. Her other bloodriders concurred. “Blood of my blood,” said Rakharo, “when cowards hide and burn the food and fodder, great khals must seek for braver foes Placement Opportunities.

This is known.” “It is known,” Jhiqui agreed, as she poured. “Not to me.” Dany set great store by Ser Jorah’s counsel, but to leave Meereen untouched was more than she could stomach. She could not forget the children on their posts, the birds tearing at their entrails, their skinny arms pointing up the coast road. “Ser Jorah, you say we have no food left. If I march west, how can I feed my freedmen ?”

“You can’t. I am sorry, Khaleesi. They must feed themselves or starve. Many and more will die along the march, yes. That will be hard, but there is no way to save them. We need to put this scorched earth well behind us.” Dany had left a trail of corpses behind her when she crossed the red waste. It was a sight she never meant to see again.

“No,” she said. “I will not march my people off to die.” My children. “There must be some way into this city.” “I know a way.” Brown Ben Plumm stroked his speckled grey-andwhite beard. “Sewers.” “Sewers? What do you mean?” “Great brick sewers , carrying the city’s wastes. They might be a way in, for a few. That was how I escaped Meereen, after Scarb lost his head.” Brown Ben made a face. “The smell has never left me. I dream of it some nights.” Ser Jorah looked dubious. “Easier to go out than in, it would seem to me. These sewers empty into the river, you say? That would mean the mouths are right below the walls.” “And closed with iron grates,” Brown Ben admitted, “though some have rusted through, else I would have drowned in shit. Once inside, it is a long foul climb in pitch-dark through a maze of brick where a man could lose himself forever. The filth is never lower than waist high, and can rise over your head from the stains I saw on the walls. There’s things down there too. Biggest rats you ever saw, and worse things. Nasty new beauty.”   

Posted by ocks at 12:48Comments(0)


and an iron breastplate

“When we left King’s Landing we were men of Winterfell and men of Darry and men of Blackhaven, Mallery men and Wylde men. We were knights and squires and men-at-arms, lords and commoners, bound together only by our purpose.” The voice came from the man seated amongst the weirwood roots halfway up the wall. “Six score of us set out to bring the king’s justice to your brother.” The speaker was descending the tangle of steps toward the floo .
“Six score brave men and true, led by a fool in a starry cloak.” A scarecrow of a man, he wore a ragged black cloak speckled with stars dinted by a hundred battles. A thicket of red-gold hair hid most of his face, save for a bald spot above his left ear where his head had been smashed in. “More than eighty of our company are dead now, but others have taken up the swords that fell from their hands.” When he reached the floor, the outlaws moved aside to let him pass. One of his eyes was gone, Arya saw, the flesh about the socket scarred and puckered, and he had a dark black ring all around his neck. “With their help, we fight on as best we can, for Robert and the realm.” “Robert A Bar Education Centre?”
rasped Sandor Clegane, incredulous. “Ned Stark sent us out,” said pothelmed Jack-Be-Lucky, “but he was sitting the Iron Throne when he gave us our commands, so we were never truly his men, but Robert’s.” “Robert is the king of the worms now. Is that why you’re down in the earth, to keep his court for him?” “The king is dead,” the scarecrow knight admitted, “but we are still king’s men, though the royal banner we bore was lost at the Mummer’s Ford when your brother’s butchers fell upon us.” He touched his breast with a fist. “Robert is slain, but his realm remains. And we defend her.” “Her?” The Hound snorted. “Is she your mother, Dondarrion? Or your whore?” Dondarrion? Beric Dondarrion had been handsome; Sansa’s friend Jeyne had fallen in love with him. Even Jeyne Poole was not so blind as to think this man was fair. Yet when Arya looked at him again, she saw it; the remains of a forked purple lightning bolt on the cracked enamel of his breastplate reenex facial.   

Posted by ocks at 15:51Comments(0)


at the foot of her bunk

I am still half a world from Westeros, Dany reminded herself, but every hour brings me closer. She tried to imagine what it would feel like, when she first caught sight of the land she was born to rule. It will be as fair a shore as I have ever seen, I know it. How could it be otherwise? But later that night, as Balerion plunged onward through the dark and Dany sat cross-legged on her bunk in the captain’s cabin, feeding her dragons - “Even upon the sea,” Groleo had said, so graciously, “queens take precedence over captains” - a sharp knock came upon the door. Irri had been sleeping(it was too narrow for three, and tonight was Jhiqui’s turn to share the soft featherbed with her khaleesi), but the handmaid roused at the knock and went to the door. Dany pulled up a coverlet and tucked it in under her arms. She was naked, and had not expected a caller at this hour. “Come,” she said when she saw Ser Jorah standing without, beneath a swaying lantern. The exile knight ducked his head as he entered .
“Your Grace. I am sorry to disturb your sleep.” “I was not sleeping, ser. Come and watch.” She took a chunk of salt pork out of the bowl in her lap and held it up for her dragons to see. All three of them eyed it hungrily. Rhaegal spread green wings and stirred the air, and Viserion’s neck swayed back and forth like a long pale snake’s as he followed the movement of her hand. “Drogon,” Dany said softly, “dracarys.” And she tossed the pork in the air. Drogon moved quicker than a striking cobra. Flame roared from his mouth, orange and scarlet and black, searing the meat before it began to fall. As his sharp black teeth snapped shut around it, Rhaegal’s head darted close, as if to steal the prize from his brother’s jaws, but Drogon swallowed and screamed, and the smaller green dragon could only hiss in frustration. “Stop that, Rhaegal,” Dany said in annoyance, giving his head a swat. “You had the last one. I’ll have no greedy dragons .”
She smiled at Ser Jorah. “I won’t need to char their meat over a brazier any longer.” “So I see. Dracarys?” All three dragons turned their heads at the sound of that word and Viserion let loose with a blast of pale gold flame that made Ser Jorah take a hasty step backward. Dany giggled. “Be careful with that word, ser, or they’re like to singe your beard off. It means ‘dragonfire’ in High Valyrian. I wanted to choose a command that no one was like to utter by chance.” Mormont nodded. “Your Grace,” he said, “I wonder if I might have a few private words?” “Of course. Irri, leave us for a bit.” She put a hand on Jhiqui’s bare shoulder and shook the other handmaid awake. “You as well, sweetling. Ser Jorah needs to talk to me.” “Yes, Khaleesi.” Jhiqui tumbled from the bunk, naked and yawning, her thick black hair tumbled about her head. She dressed quickly and left with Irri, closing the door behind them. Dany gave the dragons the rest of the salt pork to squabble over, and patted the bed beside her. “Sit, good ser, and tell me what is troubling you.” “Three things.” Ser Jorah sat. “Strong Belwas. This Arstan Whitebeard. And Illyrio Mopatis, who sent them.” Again? Dany pulled the coverlet higher and tugged one end over her shoulder. “And why is that reenex?”   

Posted by ocks at 13:38Comments(0)


ourcrack cavalry regiments

At the lower end of the rapids (our Indians refusing to gofurther), we had to debark. A settler here was putting up azinc house for a store. Two others, with an officer of theMounted Rifles - the regiment we had left at the Dalles -were staying with him. They welcomed our arrival, andinsisted on our drinking half a dozen of poisonous stuff theycalled champagne. There were no chairs or table in the'house,' nor as yet any floor; and only the beginning of aroof. We sat on the ground, so that I was ablesurreptitiously to make libations with my share, to theearth .
According to my journal: 'In a short time the party began tobe a noisy one. Healths were drunk, toasts proposed,compliments to our respective nationalities paid in the mostflattering terms. The Anglo-Saxon race were destined toconquer the globe. The English were the greatest nationunder the sun - that is to say, they had been. America, ofcourse, would take the lead in time to come. We disputedthis. The Americans were certain of it, in fact this wasalready an accomplished fact. The big officer - a genuine"heavy" - wanted to know where the man was that would givehim the lie! Wasn't the Mounted Rifles the crack regiment ofthe United States army? And wasn't the United States armythe finest army in the universe? Who that knew anything ofhistory would compare the Peninsular Campaign to the war inMexico? Talk of Waterloo - Britishers were mighty fond ofswaggering about Waterloo! Let 'em look at Chepultapec. Asfor Wellington, he couldn't shine nohow with General Scott,nor old Zack neither !'
Then, WE wished for a war, just to let them see what could do. Mounted Rifles forsooth!
Mounted costermongers! whose trade it was to sell 'nutmegsmade of wood, and clocks that wouldn't figure.' Then somepretty forcible profanity was vented, fists were shaken, andthe zinc walls were struck, till they resounded like thethreatened thunder of artillery.
But Fred's merry laughter diverted the tragic end. It wasagreed that there had been too much tall talk. Britishersand Americans were not such fools as to quarrel. Leteverybody drink everybody else's health. A gentleman in thecorner (he needed the support of both walls) thought itwasn't good to 'liquor up' too much on an empty stomach; heput it to the house that we should have supper. The motionwas carried NEM. CON., and a Dutch cheese was produced withmuch ECLAT. Samson coupled the ideas of Dutch cheeses andYankee hospitality. This revived the flagging spirit ofemulation. On one side, it was thought that British mannerswere susceptible of amendment. Confusion was thenrespectively drunk to Yankee hospitality, English manners,and - this was an addition of Fred's - to Dutch cheeses .  

Posted by ocks at 13:27Comments(0)


rose in the dram-glass

It felt the fullness of its indescribablegood Neo skin labfortune, the honour and splendour into which it floated;and as it touched the floor, it danced too , itsprang, and flew along the boards, breaking its stalk as itfell. It did not come into the hands of the favourite, itrolled behind the scenes, where a scene-shifter took it up,saw how beautiful it was, how full of fragrance it was, butthere was no stalk on it.So he put it in his pocket,and when he went home in the evening it was in a dram-glass, and lay there in water the whole night. Early in the morn- ing it was set before the grandmother, who sat in her arm-chair, old and frail. She looked at the lovely broken rose,and rejoiced in its beauty and its scent. "Yes, you did not go to the rich and fine lady's table, but to the poor old woman; but here you are like a whole rose-tree;how lovely you are!"
And she looked with childlike delight at the flower Neo skin lab, and thought,no doubt ,of her own long-past youthful days. " There was a hole in the pane," said the wind," Ieasily got in, and saw the old woman's eyes, youthfullyshining,and the lovely, broken .
The luckiest of all! I know it! I can tell it!"
Each rose on the tree had its story.Each rose be-lieved and thought itself to be the luckiest, and faith makesblessed.The last rose,however,was the luckiest of all,inits own opinion. " I outlived them all! I am the last, the only one, mother's dearest child!"
" And I am the mother of them!" said the rose-hedge. " I am that!" said the sunshine.
"And I," said wind and weather.
" Each has a share in them!"said the wind,"and each shall get a share in them!" and so the wind strewed the leaves out over the hedge, where the dew-drops lay , where the sun shone." I,also, will get my share," saidthe wind." I got all the stories of all the roses,which Iwill tell out in the wide world!Tell me now, which was theluckiest of them all? Yes, you must say that; I have saidenough!"  

Posted by ocks at 13:19Comments(0)