shut-off feature.


rose in the dram-glass

It felt the fullness of its indescribablegood Neo skin labfortune, the honour and splendour into which it floated;and as it touched the floor, it danced too , itsprang, and flew along the boards, breaking its stalk as itfell. It did not come into the hands of the favourite, itrolled behind the scenes, where a scene-shifter took it up,saw how beautiful it was, how full of fragrance it was, butthere was no stalk on it.So he put it in his pocket,and when he went home in the evening it was in a dram-glass, and lay there in water the whole night. Early in the morn- ing it was set before the grandmother, who sat in her arm-chair, old and frail. She looked at the lovely broken rose,and rejoiced in its beauty and its scent. "Yes, you did not go to the rich and fine lady's table, but to the poor old woman; but here you are like a whole rose-tree;how lovely you are!"
And she looked with childlike delight at the flower Neo skin lab, and thought,no doubt ,of her own long-past youthful days. " There was a hole in the pane," said the wind," Ieasily got in, and saw the old woman's eyes, youthfullyshining,and the lovely, broken .
The luckiest of all! I know it! I can tell it!"
Each rose on the tree had its story.Each rose be-lieved and thought itself to be the luckiest, and faith makesblessed.The last rose,however,was the luckiest of all,inits own opinion. " I outlived them all! I am the last, the only one, mother's dearest child!"
" And I am the mother of them!" said the rose-hedge. " I am that!" said the sunshine.
"And I," said wind and weather.
" Each has a share in them!"said the wind,"and each shall get a share in them!" and so the wind strewed the leaves out over the hedge, where the dew-drops lay , where the sun shone." I,also, will get my share," saidthe wind." I got all the stories of all the roses,which Iwill tell out in the wide world!Tell me now, which was theluckiest of them all? Yes, you must say that; I have saidenough!"  

Posted by ocks at 13:19Comments(0)


next corner a lamp hung

“I can likewise tell,” said she, “that todaySmarTone is my birthday; and in honour of it a pair of goloshes has been entrusted to me , which I am to bring to the human race . These goloshes have the property that everyone who puts them on is at once transported to the time and place in which he likes best to be----every wish in reference to time, place, and circumstance is at once fulfilled; and so for once man can be happy here below!”
“Believe me,” said Care, “he will be very unhappy, and will bless the moment when he can get rid of the goloshes again.”
“What are you thinking of ?” retorted the other. “Now I shall put them at the door. Somebody will take them by mistake, and become the happy one!”
You see , that was the dialogue they held .


It was late. Councillor Knap, lost in dermes contemplation of the times of King Hans, wished to get home; and fate willed that instead of his own goloshes he should put on those of Fortune , and thus went out into East Street . But by the power of the goloshes he had been put back three hundred years----into the days of King Hans; and therefore he put his foot into mud and mire in the street, because in those days there was not any pavement .
“Why, this is horrible----how dirty it is here!” said the councillor. “The good pavement is gone, and all the lamps are put out . ”
The moon did not yet stand high enough to give much light, and the air was tolerably thick, so that all objects,seemed to melt together in the darkness . At the before a picture of the Madonna, but the light it gave was as good as none; he only noticed it when he stood just under it, and his eyes fell upon the painted figure of the mother and child .
“That is probably a museum of art ,” he thought , “where they have forgotten to take down the sign .”
A couple of men in the costume of those past days went by him.
“How they look!” he said . “They must come from a masquerade .”
Suddenly there was a sound of drums and fifes, and torches gleamed brightly . The councillor started . And now he saw a strange procession go past . First came nu skin hong konga whole troop of drummers , beating their instruments very dexterously; they were followed by men-at-arms, with longbows and crossbows . The chief man in the procession was a clerical lord . The astonished councillor asked what was the meaning of this, and who the man might be.
“That is the Bishop of Zealand.”  

Posted by ocks at 13:26Comments(0)